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Non Floral Wedding Centerpieces

May 7, 2010

Because flowers are inherently evil. Kidding. No, because flowers are expensive and then they die. Which if you ask me, is very inconsiderate of them. I mean, do they not know how much money, stress, worry went into them. Could they not show some appreciation by lasting longer than 3 days? Really, is that too much to ask? All the bitching in the world isn’t going to make them cheaper or last longer. So here is a centerpiece round up.


This was at William Sonoma eons ago I presume. However, you can find the fillers for this I assume at any craft store. But as you can imagine, I am not really a crafts sort of person. The frame shop associate at Michael’s knows me quite well but that’s really it. However, Pottery Barn also has fillers here, here and here. Stick a number on a stick in those and you have ready made table numbers!

Photo by Martha Stewart. That is the great thing about summer: lots of fruit, lots of sunshine. Fruit would look really out of place in a  winter wedding but great in a summer setting. I would roll fruit in sugar so they sparkle. That jar? I had something similar to it that I bought at… wait for it: TJ Maxx!

By Beth Helmstetter on Style Me Pretty: Love those eyelet candles. So easy DIY. Thing with this is quantity. You need lots and lots of candles or else it just looks kind of sad, you know?

From Pottery Barn. Love the vintage books on the table too. Please, only do this if you live anywhere remotely near a beach. If you live in Kansas, for the love of God, please don’t pretend you are in the Hamptons. Unless, you are trying to be tongue in cheek or just sad, really. My mother always decorates her bathrooms with seashells that we collected over the years from the white powdery beaches of Malaysia. Which is lovely. Except we live in Texas. Hot, humid, Texas. Granted, I would still be bitching if she decorated her bathroom with cattlehorns but still.

I am Asian so I have to love this, right? 😉 I actually don’t think it is too bad. The colors are lovely. This is from Rachel Ray’s *shudder* centerpiece of the month.

 I am not even remotely country but the thing is, non-floral centerpieces usually means candles which is all fine and dandy for an indoor evening wedding but is kind of silly for an daytime outdoor wedding especially in the summer. So this, I like: wheat and blue mason jars that you can thrift. Burlap table cloths that you can hunt for $3 a yard (just pray really, really hard and maybe God will provide).


See folks, I have eye candy too! Just like a big girl wedding blog! Anyone have any ideas other than the ones above that I just perused around the interwebs for? I am tired of the same old, same, old. Stick around for a Shoestring Bride centerpiece. That I will (drum roll please) D-I-Y. All by my lonesome with a fabulous photographer. Yes, I am going to try for a fakey wedding. Like the rest of them. Unless you live in the DFW area and want to contribute your wedding as a guinea pig for betterment of mankind and the sanity of bridekind.


Don’t forget to enter my very first giveaway!

Till next week. And more Shoestring!

3 Comments leave one →
  1. May 9, 2010 7:17 am

    Love most of these but I am one of those bad people who really does love the occasional flower!

    Ooo the excitement of an honest fake wedding!!

    • Jesselyn Girl permalink*
      May 9, 2010 3:57 pm

      Nothing bad about it. I love flowers. I would love to have a wedding just dripping with flowers. However, monetary means forbid that 😛

  2. May 10, 2010 9:32 am

    We’re having very minimal, branch-heavy florals for our centerpieces but building them up with lots and lots of candles a la that 3rd picture you posted. I’m starting to order them in large quantities off of Ebay every 2 weeks or so… I hope we end up with enough!

    Good luck with your search. Love that first pic – I think you could put a piece of rotten cheese under a cake dome and it would look gorgeous.

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